This report allows you to see all events for which there are script answers available. The record will appear here no matter if the call was marked as Success or not; The only exception being calls that had script answers entered, but were marked as Voice Mail. Data from this report allows you to extract detailed info about your clients, combining their saved data and script answers.
- Contact ID: ID of contact for which the event was saved
- User: Agent for whom the call was saved
- Project: Name of the project on which the call happened
- Project ID: ID of the project on which the call happened
- Event date: Timestamp of the date and time on which the call happened
- Contacts Phone Number: Your client’s phone number
- Your Phone Number: Phone number your agent used during the call
Default contact detail fields:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Company
Call script details:
- Call script ID
- Call script name
Call details:
- Calling mode: Describes the method by which the call was handled in CrazyCall. Currently, the only option available is Power Dialer (described with BROWSER value)
- Call duration: Length of the call, represented in seconds
- Call direction: The indication if call was incoming (INBOUND) and outgoing (OUTBOUND).
- Contact status: The current status of the contact, at the moment of saving the event.
- Event status: The status of this particular event.
- Schedule date: Date for which the call is scheduled in the system (if available)
Custom fields corresponding to this report:
- Custom Contact Fields consist of Project ID and Custom Contact Field Name (eg. 11_MobilePhoneNumber)
- Scripts answers consist of Script ID, Question ID and a Question Name (eg. 1_1_Note)
- Empty values mean that field is eligible to contain data (given the Project or Script ID) but wasn’t populated (eg. script question wasn’t answered)
- NULL value means that field is NOT eligible to contain any data for a given Project or Script (eg. Custom Contact Field does not exist in a given Project)
In case you generate Script answers report for multiple projects, you will get a separate file for each project, with naming scheme Script answers report_[project ID] [date] (f.e. Script answers report_1 2019-04-11)
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