This report summarizes all the actions that happened to a given contact in the selected date range. Additionally, the events report contains the imported customer data.
- Contact ID: ID of contact for which the event was saved
- User: Agent for whom the call was saved
- Project: Name of the project on which the call happened
- Project ID: ID of the project on which the call happened
- Event date: Timestamp of the date and time on which the call happened
- Phone Number: Your client’s phone number
Default contact detail fields:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Company
Call details:
- Contact status: Status in which the call was during the event
- Event status: Status of this particular event
- Schedule date: Date for which the call is scheduled in the system (if available)
- Note: Contains note saved on the event (if available)
Custom fields corresponding to this report:
- Custom Contact Fields consist of Project ID and Custom Contact Field Name (eg. 11_MobilePhoneNumber)
- Empty values mean that field is eligible to contain data (given the Project) but wasn’t populated (eg. Custom Contact Field was left empty)
- NULL value means that field is NOT eligible to contain any data for a given Project (eg. Custom Contact Field does not exist in a given Project)
In case you generate Events report for multiple projects, you will get a separate file for each project, with naming scheme Events report_[project ID] [date] (f.e. Events report_1 2019-04-11)
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