How To Use Call Statuses



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    Mike Ball

    Not a power dialer. I can manually dial faster. Incapable of dispositioning "closing status" many calls correctly, such as disconnected numbers. 2 clicks required to disposition voicemail answers. beeping and beeping and beeping tone (not ringing) before ringing. leads changing to next without disposition. disconnected calls disappear and next call dialed. How many times do most people call a disconnected number? Once. This dialer is a crude beginning. Feels like an unfinished product (application). Clumsy, awkward, difficult, messy, producing bad data. Incapable of surpassing manual dialing speed in it's current state. Product demo 15 min showed me nothing new. Product training noshowed, then showed and told me it was same as demo and a waste of my time. Truly. This whole experience has been a waste of my time. Will look back in a year or two. Maybe.

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