By default, your new contacts are called in the order they were added or imported. When a call isn’t answered or agents encounter a voice mail, that call automatically gets rescheduled. CrazyCall lets you specify how your call queue is managed and adjust it to your particular needs. This can be done for each of your projects separately.
Click on the ‘Projects’ tab in the main menu and select the project you want to modify. Click on the gear icon to enter the settings. Your call queue can be adjusted in the Call Settings and Next Call Attempts sections.
Call Settings
In Call Settings you can further define the following elements related to your call:
- Time before call - this value corresponds to a specified amount of time your agents get to learn about the customers or contacts they’ll be calling next. This usually consists of imported information on the given record. Time before call is expressed in seconds.
- Time after call - this is a specified amount of time after the call during which an agent has to assign a status to the contact. If it isn’t assigned a status, it will not be verified and won’t be placed in the call queue. This can only be adjusted by manually adding a status to a contact. Time after call is expressed in seconds.
- Max. schedule time - you can specify a maximum period during which an agent can schedule the next call for a given contact. It is expressed in days.
- Max. auto-schedule attempts - this value specifies after how many unsuccessful attempts a given contact becomes closed for further calls. Remember that every successful call attempt resets this counter.
- Max. auto-scheduled contacts in a row - this value lets you specify a maximum number of automatically scheduled contacts in a row when combining them with the open ones. For instance, if you set this value to 2, it will mean that every new, open contact will be followed by a maximum of two auto-scheduled ones.
Next Call Attempt
You can also set Next Call Attempt, i.e. the amount of time after which a given contact will be called again. Define automatic delay times for not completing calls due to the following circumstances:
- Not answered
- Voicemail
- Delay after scheduled contact
- Busy
- Disconnected
- Call Failed
All of these periods of time are expressed minutes.
In addition, agents will still have the option to manually reschedule another contact during the call. You can read about it in this feature.
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